Review (September 2024)


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What do we know about Trader Joe's?

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Monrovia, United States


Trader Joe's: Trader Joe's is a neighborhood grocery store with amazing food and drink from around the globe and around the corner. Great quality at great prices. That's what we call value.

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Alexa Ranking: 56104

What is Trader Joe's's Revenue?

Trader Joe's's estimated revenue for 2023 is $13.7B.

What does Trader Joe's do?

It all started in the 50s... Would you believe we started out as a small chain of convenience stores? It's true. Way back in 1958. We were called Pronto Markets. In '67, our founder, the original Trader Joe, changed our name (yes, to Trader Joe's) and the way we do business. We made the stores bigger (if you can imagine), decked the walls with cedar planks and donned our crew in cool Hawaiian shirts. Most importantly, we started putting innovative, hard-to-find, great-tasting foods in the "Trader Joe's"​ name. That cut our costs and saved you money. Still does. And that's important, because "Value"​ is a concept we take very seriously. And by value we mean great everyday prices on all of our great products — no sales, no gimmicks, no clubs to join, no special cards to swipe... How do we do it? - We buy direct from suppliers whenever possible, we bargain hard to get the best price, and then pass the savings on to you. - If an item doesn't pull its weight in our stores, it goes away to gangway for something else. - We buy in volume and contract early to get the best prices. - Most grocers charge their suppliers fees for putting an item on the shelf. This results in higher prices... so we don't do it. - We keep our costs low — because every penny we save is a penny you save. It's not complicated. We just focus on what matters — great food + great prices = Value.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Traderjoes?

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How fast is Traderjoes growing?

Traderjoes has grown by 30.7% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Traderjoes?

Last month, Traderjoes received 3M visitors who spent an average of 2.4 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 46% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Traderjoes?

617k people (22%) visit Traderjoes directly. 2M (74%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 22.8k (1%) discover Traderjoes through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 2.7k (0%) visitors come from Traderjoes's email newsletters. Finally, 1.5k (0.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Traderjoes?

Traderjoes's top market is the United States and they receive 2.6M (94.0%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 22.4k (0.8%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 11.5k (0.4%).

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What do Traderjoes's customers say about them?

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Trader Joe's
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Reviewed on 2021-05-21T19:18:05

I have written to Management about this. Buyer BEWARE at Trader Joe's!!!! TJ should be ashamed of themselves.They removed scales from their produce areas, and have priced their loose produce by unit. That is a shady, deceitful move designed to rip off customers by hiding the real price of the item. Everyone checks produce pricing by the pound. That is industry standard - we all know it. This manipulative shady stealing tactic may work on the "ignorant masses", or the "lemmings", - Oh my apologies, "customers", - but there are enough of us who are not morons who see right through this BS. The last time I was in a location I requested a scale. I found out quickly what the REAL prices are. I am appalled at this tactic to rip us off. Shoppers! Take notice and wise up to Trader Joe's tricks. Demand a scale for your produce. And check the prepackaged items too, to make sure they are the weight as stated on the package!
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Daniel G. Lam

Racism Against Asians at Bixby Knolls Trader Joe's

Reviewed on 2021-05-12T06:27:52

Considering the negative reviews listed regarding Trader Joe's, you would think that the corporate headquarters would care and respond to online reviews,etc. No such luck. Why should anyone shop at Trader Joe's if they do not care about their customers and their reputation??? This is a billion dollar company that can't take the time, effort and energy to handle the situation of racism going on by the staff and how I was treated. Apparently, there were a few other Asians that encountered this same problem at this location and yet, no response. I am honestly filled with anger being stared down upon by an African-American employee that turned me away from entering the store just because I brought my own refrigerated bags (a policy which is newly enforced by Trader Joe's) causing me to loose my place in line!!! Secondly, I was stared down upon by two Caucasian male employees who were having a conversation at the beginning of an aisle (blocking my passage). While no words were exchanged between all three employees, I honestly felt unwelcomed as a Chinese-American. So, yes, there's still racism even in the prestigious Long Beach neighborhood of Bixby Knolls. This will definitely be my last trip to any Trader Joe's location - this market is on my no-go list!!!
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Ronald Beauman

This is my favorite store

Reviewed on 2021-05-10T23:24:09

This is my favorite store. They have good products, good service, and good prices.There are very few companies that can say the same. No, they are not perfect - but far better than almost all the companies I deal with. Thank you Trader Joe's.
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You should not be forcing your…

Reviewed on 2021-04-28T18:03:01

You should not be forcing your employees to get the COVID EXPERIMENT in order to keep their jobs And it is time to remove the mask mandate.People can determine on their own if they need a mask. However, now with the new information of those who get the gene therapy shot now shedding illnesses to others, it is highly unlikely I will be coming in anyway since all of your employees may share something with me.
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Christina Cherry Bella Channel

The one on Prospect Road in San Jose…

Reviewed on 2021-04-20T01:01:08

The one on Prospect Road in San Jose California is a wonderful store excellent customer service managers onto the staff on the floor on to anyone that works in the store.Very friendly environment very clean and very helpful to people I really appreciate the store and they’re excellent customer service especially during the pandemic thank you so much christina
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Cyndi Fisher

I’m an avid Trader Joe’s shopper and…

Reviewed on 2021-04-18T13:53:55

I’m an avid Trader Joe’s shopper and I’ve always been impressed by the friendly staff.However the last two days they have been very rude controlling flowers to only two of a variety. I shop in Des Moines and Birmingham and I’ve never experienced this in Birmingham, only Des Moines. If you have a good customer that buys a lot of flowers and pays for them, why limit the number? It shouldn’t matter if there is a shortage, sell them to your customer. The staff at the Des Moines store have been so rude this weekend to me and I’m a very good customer!
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4.9.21 about 1:30 pm (Friday) in the…

Reviewed on 2021-04-11T01:47:10

4.9.21 about 1:30 pm (Friday) in the Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC Trader Joes Today my wife and I were trying to grocery shop in the Cary,NC Trader Joes. When we entered the store I was told to raise my mask (we were both wearing masks — we are older and retired and have shopped at this store for years). I told the clerk that I had a medical exemption as I had asthma and could not breath with it covering my nose so I wore it slightly below my nose. He rang a loud bell and within a couple of minutes we were surrounded by the store manager and several other clerks demanding that I raise my mask higher on my face or leave the store and never come back despite me reiterating that I had asthma and can not breathe with the mask over my entire face. Unbelievable! At this point I said we would just pay for our items and leave but he took the cart away from me and told me to leave and never come back. I guess this is how Trader Joe personnel intimidates their customers. This company deserves to go bankrupt if it is going to treat its customers in this FASCIST manner. At that point I was angry and told him to go f _ _ k himself and we would never shop at Trader Joes again now that we know it acts like a FASCIST company. What has happened to the United States that we find ourselves surrounded by so many sheep le and useful idio ts who know nothing about our Constitutional heritage and God given liberties?
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Judi K

If I could put -5 stars

Reviewed on 2021-03-18T19:28:37

If I could put -5 , but it’s not a an option!!! Store manager Lesley at TJ location in Paramus park on rout 17(she declared her self as an owner ) black supremacy - racist was so rude and extremely aggressive. Never mind that she and her staff didn’t follow the social distance rules, decided that I can’t shop there( as she claimed - in her store) , cos my mask was uncovering half of my nose, even though I have an asthma I can’t breath through it. It wasn’t crowded , I wasn’t near anybody , nobody even noticed me or complain - except her( she’s the queen !) It was very embarrassing and disrespectful. She attacked me for no reason at all and hope the management of TJ will look in to it , since when costumers are denied in shopping for the employee personal dislikes and rational decisions !!! I will tell to all my friends and will recommend not to shop at TJ stores and I will never spend no penni myself. I used to go at least twice a week, spend about few hundred dollars each time until this nazi- racist Lesley started to have some personal vendettas with white people.
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